Bathtub Replacement

Why would you ever think of bathtub replacement as a realistic bathroom upgrade? It sounds really difficult. A bathtub is pretty much one of the most built-in fixtures in your home. So, it also tends to be a remodeling project that people aren’t usually willing to tackle. Love Your Bath of Florida has made the bathtub replacement process painless. But first, why would you want to replace your tub?

Why Bathtub Replacement?

There are some obvious reason’s you might want to replace your bathtub with a new one.

  • You’re remodeling your entire bathroom, so obviously the tub has to go as well!
  • The surface of your old tub is cracked. This tends to happen, even with porcelain tubs that are old. But the cheaper plastic or fiberglass tubs get brittle over time and crack. Especially the ones that seem like there is empty space under or on the sides of the tub. It happens.
  • Stains. Those ugly water stains, or rust stains, or spilled red wine stains. Eventually, old tubs can get stains that just don’t want to come out. Even with Magic Erasers!
  • Your old tub is just too small. Who lived there when that tub was installed? Apparently, people were much smaller in the 70’s, so it’s time to get a tub with a bigger footprint.
  • Accessibility. This is one of the major reasons we install so many new bathtubs and showers at Love Your Bath. Sometimes as you get older, or have health or mobility issues, it’s just too hard to get in and out of your old bathtub. It is literally a medical necessity to get a new bathtub. Or even to remodel your entire bathroom.
beautiful bathtub replacement after image
worn out bathtub that needs replacement before image

Replace with a New Tub or Shower?

Many people choose not to put in a new bathtub at all, but to replace it with a walk-in shower. Showers are much more popular than tubs these days. Taking a soaking bath can be nice, but if you have mobility issues, it’s just not possible. At Love Your Bath, we can replace a bathtub with a shower in the exact space the tub was in. This is called a bathtub conversion. We use the same basic plumbing as your tub, so we’re not ripping out floors and studs, but reconfigure it to build a walk-in shower. You can even add features like handicap rails or seats to make showering even easier.

How Long Does the Process Take?

At Love Your Bath of Florida, believe it or not, we can manage a bathtub replacement in as little as one day! It starts with a consultation a few weeks earlier where you pick out the tub or shower you want installed. Then the experts at our Jacuzzi factory build the shower or bath of your dreams off-site. When it’s ready, we come to your home and demo the old tub and replace it with the new one in just one day. Say hello to our crew in the morning, shower or bathe in your new bath or shower that night.If you’re interested in finding out how we could make this bathtub replacement happen for you, contact Love Your Bath today.

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