Dean Willis

Jacuzzi Design Consultant

Being a foreign-born immigrant from London, England; I was transplanted from what appeared to be a healthy and loving environment into the bowels of NYC. Also known as, the school of hard knocks. I graduated from that into basic training for the US ARMY Military police.

After a short two-year stint, by a magical stroke of luck, I wound up in college on a basketball scholarship. The combination of college and army training has helped me learn to adapt and overcome whatever task is at hand. That, coupled with being the father of five as well as the grandfather of five has allowed me to be more empathetic and understanding to our clients’ needs. I am so blessed to be a part of the Jacuzzi family. I love to help and serve my clients which runs right along with my life’s purpose! Blessed to be here and grateful to represent such an honest and forthright product!